BSO- There is no better place to encounter staging Kings on Lake Ontario then Stony Point Light and the water surrounding the “Trench” off Henderson. This area is a magnate as Kings return to Stony Creek, the Sandy’s and the Black River! Mid-August through Mid-September is the time to target these fish. Remember: Labor day falls late this year (Sept.5th) so the last week of August and the 1st week of September should be perfect timing. Also: Do not discount the tremendous Walleye fishing that’s available during the 3rd week of August. This could be a beautiful 2-day Combo trip for “Cold Water” and “Warm Water” fishing!
When a staging King reaches maturity, the fish is approximately 3 1/2 years of age. Lake Ontario is teeming with bait fish so ample supplies of food are always available for these big predators. In all of the great lake’s fishing, Lake Ontario is known for growing the largest Chinook (King) Salmon! A 3 1/2 yr. old fish will generally be between 18 and 30 pounds- “Incredible but true”! These fish are known for line-burning runs on the water’s surface. It’s not uncommon for mature Kings to take over 100 yds. of line on the strike. The Saiff Charter Team has spent 35 years perfecting the techniques necessary to keep our clients connected on these big fish. We advise major tackle companies and our constant experimentation has led to the some of the biggest catches on the lake. This is a time frame that all anglers should experience at least once. Try a staging King Salmon trip this year and add a little flavor to your normal fishing pursuits! Capt. Bill Saiff III
I would love to go salmon fishing sometime. Salmon is probably my favorite type of fish to eat. What I like about it most is that it doesn’t have a smell to the fish. I think if I caught some of these King salmon, it would be the biggest fish that I have caught. I will definitely have to stage a few fishing trips.